sometimes I see you
along the road
only to find it’s a trick of the light
or just more corn waving, distorted in
peripheral vision
or wishful thinking?
I slow down for men
on bicycles
carrying heavy loads
maybe even their entire lives
on two encumbered wheels
you asked for so little
less than I would have given
a cup of coffee, bowl of soup
my favorite
you wanted a place to sit
for awhile
I tried talking
me in my rampant civility
you disinterested
sipping soup, loudly slurping
the black swill cooking
since this morning
but to you it was like cool water
on the tongue of Dives
you just showed up sometimes
without a word
toppled senses of normalcy
never bathed
never changed
only added or removed layers
of already well-lived clothing
clean people
knocked off their sensibilities
maybe that’s why
I liked you
you disrupted our holy
our prideful complacency
dared us to be Christ to you
or at least civil
we shared caffeinated
broke the muffin
you didn’t know my name
but I wept at your obituary
pmr 10/22/09
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