it's hard
being a poet
so much
that other people
don't notice
beauty and pain
dark and light
i hear the ripple
of the water
as it washes over
the rocks
i see the light
in the shine
of the blackbird's
i smell the coolness
of a new morning
i see the pain
in that stranger's eyes
as she greets her customers
but tries to hide it
i feel the hurt
the tearing of skin
when lovers part
the rain descending
from God's heart
when a child bullied
takes his life
my body receives
the blows
when people are cruel
violent in word
poisoning the air
with their self-contempt
but i also notice
the radiant blue
of her eyes
as she leads the meeting
(does no one else
see the brilliance
of her light?)
or when his face
i hear the crumbling
of the wall
that held in
his heart
see the reflection
on his skin
from grace-glow
and my eyes
with tears
or the smell
of water
on sun-baked grass
the sudden sweetness
of honeysuckle
traveling on the breeze
i see
i feel
i ache
i rejoice
it is both
and curse.
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