Sunday, July 15, 2012

Waking Up

(From the Sunday Scribblings writing prompt: limitless)

little girl
when did you stop dreaming?
what brought your vision
back down to earth?

when did you stop looking
to the sky
and seeing the expanse
aware of your limited vision

knowing there was more
beyond human perception?
when did you stop
trusting the power of a dream?

little girl
they said you were silly
adults laughed
at your childlike wonder

they explained everything
and closed the boundaries
making the world

so small

but you had visions
of angels
you saw the shadows
of Spirit passing by

you were weird

but you loved
with all of your heart
you wrote words
that awakened hearts

you told people
they were beautiful
when they didn't know
your words elicited tears

your wrote the world
as you saw them

kept in secret journals

allowed your broken heart
to be healed
by dreams and eternal spirits

where did you go?
how did they get you
how did they dampen
your heart?

little girl
I know you're still alive
I know that part of you
still remembers

what it's like
to wonder
to trust
to believe
in fairies

I see you
even if no one else

I see the light in
the places where
Jesus touched

outside of creeds
heavy black robes
and dusty books

beyond hate

the boundaries
of what we see
and "know"

it is they
who don't know
dear girl
it is they

who are imprisoned
by reality
black and white
the creed of suffering

you are alive
you are free
you remember

what you know
trust what you

trust the stardust
you've felt on your skin
the warmth of people
you still love
but cannot see

trust those nights
you danced with Jesus
in the dark
making light
with your combined footsteps

get up
dear girl
step over the lines
push open the doors
and don't be afraid


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