Saturday, November 24, 2012


laying on the couch
he jumps onto my middle
pushing, nesting
turning around to get settled

his tail brushes my face
making me sneeze
his butt near my nose
while deciding how to lay

he drops suddenly
on my chest
deciding my breasts
make good pillows

after looking straight
into my eyes
as if to declare himself
and his presence

he licks my shirt
just over my collarbone
his rough tongue
making swishing noises on fabric

and he purrs

his breath
the same as always
assaults me
with images

a little girl
on her bed
in her refuge
a room with clouds and sky blue

still in her nightgown
sunlight coming in the window

a kitten
nestles in her lap
purring, nestling, snuggling
licking a spot of fabric

a moment
in memory
one cat of many
along the way

her heart aches
in the stillness
the cherished silence
and peace

other cats she remembers
high in skyscraper-tall trees
howling, moaning
trapped for days
nothing she could do


the howl that night
that pierced the darkness
outside her window
"it's nothing," her mama said

the next day
her cat, dead
the custodian next door
wanted to toss the body

black and white
and carmel-colored

caught in the crossfire
of teenage rage
picked up and
punted across the room

boys longing for freedom
to be, just be
to run, to defy, to shake their fists
to break these chains

cats absorbing the violence
growing wild
fighting outside
coming back with terrible wounds

little girl lonely
music filling her bedroom
carrying her to a neverland
of peace and safety

cat nuzzling, licking
hiding in the safety
outside the child's womb
a moment

my daughter says
the cat's breath stinks
but nestled against my neck
I smell him

soft, groomed, purring
safe from the outside
safe from horrors unspoken
safe to live a long life

a reminder now
that I am safe
I am loved
and no longer


Saturday, November 3, 2012


I am a Woman

I bear the weight of history
in my bones
the Curse of Eden

As a child
I sat in church
in white leotards
and black patent-leather shoes
and learned of my biblical choices

to be a saint, pure and faultless
or to be a whore, the Jezebel
Delilah who brings good men down
a Daughter of Eve

I was forever to blame
for all that was wrong
with the world

if I had sex
the boy became a man
and I became a slut
if I had sex without consent
I was doubted, my scruples shredded
I must have "wanted it"
or my skirt was too short,
my blouse too low
my dancing too provocative

I learned I needed a man
to make all the important decisions
as I was not trustworthy
too emotional, hormonal
needing control

my breasts were the brunt
of jokes
told at the water cooler
or over a beer
used to sell hot wings and lust

I was reduced to a body
from which to take pleasure

I feel the shame
in my blood
declared unclean
in all my woman-ness

shame of centuries
bearing the brunt of violence
blame for a man's impotence
horror at the thought that Jesus
would be physically associated
with the filthiness

of a woman
a wife

my sisters compete against me
shame me
divide us into good and bad
instead of banding together
so many clinging tenaciously
to the Lie
that We Have It Good

if I assert myself
show initiative
use my brain and my power
I am a Bitch or a Man-Eater

I am praised for acting Lady-like
deferring to men less competant
eating my rage
smiling against the bile
in the back of my throat

preachers shake their bibles
at me
demanding that I be satisfied
with living in man's shadow
accepting his god-given privilege

I Am A Woman
I have moved mountains
won battles that should have killed me
given birth to Beauty
wept tears that watered gardens
brought Color, Depth and
Astonishing Vistas

I have comforted, given hope
built homes and healed wounds
taught, shaped, and empowered
daughters and sons
confidant of their foundation

I have seen the Face of God
in deepest sorrow
in highest Overcoming

I have blessed and given
holy bread
had my hand torn open
by righteous dmanation
at the altar
accused of apostasy
and witchcraft
as I blessed the children
prayed for the dying


I am a Woman
a Daughter of Eve
The Mother of All Living
Keeper of the Garden
Seeker of Knowledge

Daughter of God
Incarnation of Life
Mirror of Divinity

Beater of Odds

I am a Woman
a Survivor
Life Giver

I am a Woman
God's Creation

I am
