Monday, November 25, 2013


be the Change, Gandhi said
and yet we hate it
we resist it 
we scream and shake our fists at it

we say we want it
but then it hurts
it's different, it's not
what we've always known

we nourish our fears
we kindle our anger
we kick and scream
we believe the lies

of those who say
we don't need

to change

when i was a child
i spoke like a child
i reasoned like a child

when I became an adult
i put away childish things

i got taller
my limbs longer
my hips rounder
my feet bigger

and i had to act like an adult

i am different today
than i was yesterday
and tomorrow
yet again

yesterday it was warm
today the leaves are gone
and it is bitter cold
yet soon

everything will be green

why do i resist
what is natural?

why am i afraid
of the marvel of

would i keep my child
in the womb?
would i keep that stick in the ground
from becoming majestic and strong?

would i insist
a caterpillar
remain earthbound?

be the change
comes the whisper
from the past
embrace the change

says the music of the wind

release your grip
breathe through your fears
ride the life of creation


the breath of life
keeps breathing
the winds of creation
make new

do not be afraid
it is as it should be
as it was meant
to be

all along.