Saturday, February 19, 2011


"In the midst of life we are in death, from whom can we seek help?"

-9th century
the first time
i died
was when cancer
stole you

all i remember
of purgatory
was the

i don't remember

and i wondered
if that was what
death felt like

but your death
gave me a boundary
living in the end-times
gave me relief

a limit
a horizon
an end i could see

the second time
i died

my childhood playmate
ceased breathing
no illness
no accident
no tidy explanation

her body
made its own
to cease

then death
was around every corner
lurked in closets
behind every wheel

like a probation officer
waiting for me to make a mistake

life and death
played tug of war
with my soul

and always
there was you
in the shadows
of every friendship

i could hear
your giggle
in every grace note

the third time
i died was
when i walked
that lonesome valley
beside the friend
who snatched my hand
because she didn't want
to walk it by herself

but then she sighed
and let go of my grip

i descended into Hades
kicked butt with some demons
and hoped for the worst

not realizing that the worst
had already happened

so i decided
to leave hell
and live

until i died
for good.

self esteem

i admire
the quiet person
who seems
to choose
what footsteps
she will make
without being pushed
in any one direction
by a crowd of bodies
caught up in the mob

there is a world
inside of her
that no one else
can know
unless she chooses
and she alone decides
how much

she is watching
the world
seeing the small
the unnoticed
and making poetry

i love her
she makes people nervous
they're afraid
she sees them
or is keeping secrets

i love her
because she smiles
seemingly unruffled
by social pressure
to be loud
to make others

she squeezes honey
from a rock
paints beauty and color
out of a
black and white world
takes the blood
of death
and brings life.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


out of the musty attic
of memory
a name
a face
and unbidden memories

frozen in Time

aged by decades

what stories
carved those lines?
what events
cast a shadow
in those eyes?

I wonder about
the pages between
Then and Now
the child I knew
and the middle-aged
your current picture

in my mind
you are still
a child
in adult clothing

I'm always surprised
you remember
a brief paragraph
in your memoirs

w--e sat together
in Sunday School
we played in the sandobox
and swam in your pool

we played on opposite teams
in volleyball
at summer camp--
I can't remember who won

you've been divorced
once or twice
you manage a band
in the Pacific Northwest
and dig Eastern theology

your girlfriend
thinks you're "hot"

we only post
our best
our favorite things
our current interests

it's beautiful

we avoid
the painful details
of those long years
when we wandered
without connection
or meaning

but now
we download our smiles
our current love interest

birthday parties
for grandkids
vacations to Colorado
wedding pictures

we collect
over 300 friends

but sometimes
I wonder
how lonely we
still are.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


southern girl
from mississippi
fell in love
with an uppity british subject
from bombay
at a college
in the sticks of kentucky
mixed breeds
mango trees and watermelons
hindu gods and bible thumpers
afternoon tea and soda in a glass bottle
from Malcom's General Store
priveleged class and hands-in-the-dirt-squeezing-a-cow's-teat farming
mix it all up
and take it to jersey
the suburb of new york city
8 or 9 million people
6 lane highways
children produced
listening to british and southern accents
telling them what to do
pastor's kids
on display
as examples
i've eaten plenty
of southern fried chilcken
black eyed peas
and watermelon
picked right off the vine
i've been to homecomings
claimed as kin by branches
of a dense family tree
i've fished in man-made ponds
dodged water-moccasins
and cow patties in the fields
but the far-off land
with marble tombs
and sacred cows in the streets
reamins a mystery
pages missing
from my father's biography
blank entries
in my psychic photo album
stories untold
paragraphs unwritten
i may never know
the rest
of the story.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


the fire pops and spits
making the cat jump
and dig his claws
into the tender flesh
of my thigh

the night sky outside
pregnant with an anticipated storm

I settle into a story
about a country girl
and a city guy
having an affair in the woods

occasionally I look up
watch my husband
concentrate on a crossword puzzle
chewing pensively on the end of his pen

this man
my lover
my best friend
whom I've grown up with

who told me years ago
yes, in fact, I was lovable
so much so
that he simply had no choice
but to be with me

and over the years
he convinced me too

my other cat
is curled up behind
my teenaged daughter's knees
as she reads a Dean Koontz novel

all of this
our home
where we live

every day

no matter what
I fight each day

here is where
I return

and breathe deeply

it is here
that I am
