"In the midst of life we are in death, from whom can we seek help?"
-9th century
the first time
i died
was when cancer
stole you
all i remember
of purgatory
was the
i don't remember
and i wondered if that was what
death felt like
but your death
gave me a boundary
living in the end-times
gave me relief
a limit
a horizon
an end i could see
the second time
i died
my childhood playmate
ceased breathing
no illness
no accident
no tidy explanation
her body
made its own
to cease
then death
was around every corner
lurked in closets
behind every wheel
like a probation officer
waiting for me to make a mistake
life and death
played tug of war
with my soul
and always
there was you
in the shadows
of every friendship
i could hear
your giggle
in every grace note
the third time
i died was
when i walked
that lonesome valley
beside the friend
who snatched my hand
because she didn't want
to walk it by herself
but then she sighed
and let go of my grip
i descended into Hades
i descended into Hades
kicked butt with some demons
and hoped for the worst
not realizing that the worst
had already happened
so i decided
to leave hell
and live
until i died
for good.