out of the musty attic
of memory
a name
a face
and unbidden memories
frozen in Time
aged by decades
what stories
carved those lines?
what events
cast a shadow
in those eyes?
I wonder about
the pages between
Then and Now
the child I knew
and the middle-aged
your current picture
in my mind
you are still
a child
in adult clothing
I'm always surprised
you remember
a brief paragraph
in your memoirs
w--e sat together
in Sunday School
we played in the sandobox
and swam in your pool
we played on opposite teams
in volleyball
at summer camp--
I can't remember who won
you've been divorced
once or twice
you manage a band
in the Pacific Northwest
and dig Eastern theology
your girlfriend
thinks you're "hot"
we only post
our best
our favorite things
our current interests
it's beautiful
we avoid
the painful details
of those long years
when we wandered
without connection
or meaning
but now
we download our smiles
our current love interest
birthday parties
for grandkids
vacations to Colorado
wedding pictures
we collect
over 300 friends
but sometimes
I wonder
how lonely we
still are.
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