southern girl
from mississippi
fell in love
with an uppity british subject
from bombay
at a college
in the sticks of kentucky
mixed breeds
mango trees and watermelons
hindu gods and bible thumpers
afternoon tea and soda in a glass bottle
from Malcom's General Store
priveleged class and hands-in-the-dirt-squeezing-a-cow's-teat farming
mix it all up
and take it to jersey
the suburb of new york city
8 or 9 million people
6 lane highways
children produced
listening to british and southern accents
telling them what to do
pastor's kids
on display
as examples
i've eaten plenty
of southern fried chilcken
black eyed peas
and watermelon
picked right off the vine
i've been to homecomings
claimed as kin by branches
of a dense family tree
i've fished in man-made ponds
dodged water-moccasins
and cow patties in the fields
but the far-off land
with marble tombs
and sacred cows in the streets
reamins a mystery
pages missing
from my father's biography
blank entries
in my psychic photo album
stories untold
paragraphs unwritten
i may never know
the rest
of the story.
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