Thursday, October 8, 2015

it's all beautiful

(The writing prompt for today was to write about a color and 
the memories attached to it)    

"I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field 
and don't notice it."  
--Alice Walker, "The Color Purple"

you lived your life 
like a paintbrush on the world 
bringing vibrant color to the day
enveloping us all in joy 

i was always relieved to see you
knowing everything would be alright
now that you were here 
to bring calm and humor in equal measure

your dream house exuded the colors 
of the rainbow, a daring expression 
of your spirit that to all of us was 
so 'out there' 

you invited a gathering, people drawn
by your easy grace, feeling safe 
sharing in the sparkle of 
the hues that surrounded you 

every setting of your life was a 
medium for art and creativity 
always shining, the art itself 
your smile into the world  

toward the Last Days your audience
dwindled at your request to just 
me and your beloved as we sat 
vigil with you 

you insisted i have a cup of tea 
and a cookie as if this were a social 
call and not your grand bow as you
prepared to leave the stage

taking your paints and brushes with you

as the sun set upon the lake you
laid in your bed by the window 
watching the ducks, the water, the 
leaves softly dropping, unable to hold on

against november 

you'd had things planned big things 
everything with you was big even the 
little things but you- and therefore all of us-
were interrupted  

through occasional tears you looked out 
onto the soft, chilled air outside 
the many colors of the sky and earth 
as they faded for the season 

and in the midst of all our sorrows 
you said 
"it's all beautiful"  

all of it 

the geese leaving town for warmer climates
the leaves falling in death to winter-cold water
the squirrels clamoring for nuts to stash 
to get ready for what was coming  

"it's all beautiful" 

the vibrancy of autumn 
the harsh cold and snows of Nebraska winters
the beauty of spring
 a time for planting  

all of it 

i think of all the colors 
purple was one of your favorites 
for it's beauty and yet sometimes darkness 
its lenten ambivalence of death and life 

and so the color purple reminds me 
of you, the soothing smell of lavender 
your giggles and joy and silliness 
your defiance of stifling boundaries 

something as inconsequential as death 

i wrap myself, adorn myself in purple 
making peace with the paradoxes 
the sorrow amidst the joy 
the light that dawns in the darkness 

there's so much color 
so much intense color

and it's all 



  1. I like it, very stream of consciousnesses. :-)

  2. "lenten ambivalence." I never thought of the color purple that way but it fits perfectly in your poem. It too is beautiful. Thanks

  3. I LOVE this!!! I read it over and over. Thank you for being a friend to my mama, to the end.
