Monday, July 15, 2013

Angel Girl

Little Girl
don't you know
you're beautiful?

There are so many
stars in your eyes

as you dance to music
in your own soul

oblivious to judges
with ratings in their hands

a 4, a 2, an 8
it doesn't matter

because you move,
like you know you're a "10"

pudgy cheeks
piercing blue eyes

hair that doesn't curl
for nothing or no one

oh my god
I can't believe

the world goes on

people do dishes
watch the evening news

as if there is no
extraordinary love-angel
in their midst

how could they miss it?
your light would have blinded them

made them turn aside
to revel in your wonder

but you danced anyway
and stored that freedom away

as your feet got bigger
and you folded in on yourself

lived in the shadows
terrified to be seen

lest someone ransack
your treasure chest

yet little by little
you began to whisper


took one more little step
into the light

and you remembered the words
to your own song

and Boom! Baby, Baby
those big feet found their rythem

that sweet voice
started to sing

your whisper became a shout!

and others came out
of the dark too

(if SHE can do it, maybe I...)

and the music got richer
the angelic choir got fuller

and the light grew bright
from within your soul

oh, my Dear One
you didn't come here to hide

you are Here
to sing your song

to add your voice, your line
to the Poem

Angel Girl,
you came here to


Shine on...

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