Sunday, October 4, 2015


(the writing prompt for today was: magic) 

we lay our hands on the head of a child the sick the dying and
we say words, calling for help asking for some intervention of unseen
spirits presence an invocation an invitation to the Unseen be it the saints 
or Jesus or loved ones that still seem to linger 
we say words to empower to break up the dark things that keep the good
from getting in go away cancer be gone draining spirits let me child know 
she is loved protect envelope give wisdom 
we're surprised when it happens when the depressed get up and dance 
when the dying decide to live for another day when a devastated community
responds with love instead of hate 
words thrown up and out to who-knows-where pleading with whoever's-out-there
to help to save 
and there is that unseen hand in the dark that person who drops into our life who
changes the landscape of our lives there's relief and breath and hope a way 
made out of no way a path in the wilderness in the madness there is shelter a gentle 
push on the back to keep going believing in the invisible the wonder the hidden goodness
the light that never went out but we couldn't see 
we invoke we lay hands we plead we raise our fists we implore and sometimes
sometimes all the cogs of the unverserse kick into place the light gets through a door
opens a darkened window bursts open with light and it feels 


1 comment:

  1. Lots of emotion in there - and I love the image. Magic comes in all forms, doesn't it?
