Monday, October 5, 2015

something good

(the writing prompt for today was love)

i must have had a wicked childhood
i must have had a miserable youth
but somewhere in my youth or childhood
i must have done something good... 
--the sound of music

where did you come from? 
who are you? 
i remember asking you this 
when you first snuck into my life 

your soft brown eyes looked at me
and in those moments i felt 
so beautiful, so strong, like i 
could do anything 

when i first hugged you i 
remember it felt as if i had come home
that there was a space inside your heart 
in the shape of me 

where did you come from?
i asked because you seemed other-worldly
so precious, so what I needed 
your love healed all the broken places  

you breathed life into my tired soul 
you made me laugh and it was ok to cry 
you said when you read my words 
it was like reading your own heart 

i knew 
i knew i had come home 
i knew that i could never leave you 
i knew that you are gift 

we've lived a lot of life you and i 
we've trudged through major obstacles 
found our way through long, dark alleys 
we've built a life with many twists and turns 

but all of it, the dark and the light 
the ordinary and the extraordinary 
the living and the grieving 
the joy and the sorrow 

all of it is beautiful because 
it's with you 
morning coffee with you is paradise 
the tiny simple rituals of everyday 

is communion 

you've wrapped me up 
infused me, enlivened me, 
loved away all the scarred places 
and given me a home 

in your heart 

i did nothing to deserve it 
because nothing i could do 
would match the treasure 
that is you 

you're my blanket of peace 
at night,
a solid warm hand in the day 
that allows me to be whole

i am so much more 
as part of you and me 
as us 
than i could ever be alone 

is so much richer 
with your eyes 

loving me